Phase one IQ260

Publié le 16.05.2024 par jams421
3500 €
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Code Postal
Las Palmas
Description : The IQ260 Achromatic is dedicated to reproducing the details of what you are capturing. We have removed the color filter array on the sensor so that there is no color interpolation of what is captured. Instead every pixel of the sensor is focused on capturing details. The sensor in the IQ260 Achromatic is developed especially for high-end black and white photography, and it is only found in the IQ260 Achromatic. The IQ260 Achromatic comes without an IR cut-off filter mounted on the sensor. This means that the IQ260 Achromatic can capture light in the infrared, visible and ultraviolet light spectrums, you have endless opportunities to experiment with different filters and create unique images.
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